8015 Creedmoor Rd #202 Raleigh, NC 27613

Dentist Raleigh NC

At Stonehenge Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide many dental services for our patients. However, general dentistry in our Raleigh, NC, dentist office is the foundation of good oral health. General dental care can minimize patients’ risk of tooth decay, gum disease, dental injuries, and other oral health issues. Preventative dental care is a part of general dentistry.

With regular preventative dental treatments, you can keep your mouth healthy. Regular care can prevent the need for extensive or complex dental treatments. Dr. Cynthia Elderkin and Dr. Claudel Giggey are general dentists who help patients keep their oral health in check. Our dentists work with patients to create comfortable, functional smiles using modern dental tools and techniques. 

General Dentistry in Raleigh, NC

Why Should You Choose Our Dental Office?

At Stonehenge Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, our dentists focus on keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Our dentists have the experience and expertise to help you maintain your oral health. 

Dr. Giggey received her Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from the East Carolina School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Elderkin attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree.

Our dentists also take a collaborative approach to dental care. During regular visits, our dentists will ask if you have any questions or concerns. Dr. Giggey or Dr. Elderkin will be happy to explain all aspects of your dental care to you.

Our dentists also pride themselves on exceptional dental care, using X-rays, sedation, and other techniques to provide the most effective treatment possible. 

Why Are Regular Dental Visits Essential?

Dr. Giggey and Dr. Elderkin provide routine care to keep you healthy and prevent oral health problems. 

Routine dental visits include X-rays, dental cleanings, and screenings. Our office uses digital X-rays to get a full picture of your teeth, gums, and jaw. With X-rays, we can see problems we cannot see with a visual exam. Our office also uses X-rays of your smile in treatment planning.

Dental cleanings from our dental hygienists remove leftover food and bacterial buildup that contribute to infection. Our hygienists use special tools to clean hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. 

In addition, oral cancer, caries, and gum disease screenings are essential parts of regular visits. We will look for signs of these dental problems to catch them in the early stages. Early preventive care reduces the risk of worse dental issues, costly treatments, and complex care over time.

General Dentistry in Raleigh, NC

Good oral health creates a foundation for years of healthy, functional smiles. Our general treatments stop the spread of common oral health problems.

These treatments also allow patients to receive professional, high-quality care. General dental care helps prevent the need for restorative and cosmetic dentistry care.

Root Canal

Do you have tooth pain or sensitive teeth? Do you have holes in your enamel? Call our office for root canal treatment. A root canal removes diseased dental pulp to preserve the natural tooth.

This safe, routine treatment prevents the need for a tooth extraction. We can save your natural tooth with a root canal.

Emergency Dental Care

Please contact our office for prompt care if you have a dental emergency. We can treat patients with lost permanent teeth, broken teeth, and damaged dental restorations. Urgent dental care for dental emergencies can prevent complications or further oral health issues.

Dental Sedation

Dentists provide multiple types of dental sedation for patients during complex or lengthy dental treatments. Oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide, and IV sedation are common types of sedation dentists use to calm patients. Sedation is also a great option for patients with dental fear or anxiety. Under sedation, you do not feel any pain from treatment. 

Tooth Extractions

Does the thought of a tooth extraction fill you with fear? Our dental team ensures that patients do not feel any pain during dental extractions. In addition, patients will no longer feel pain because of an infected or impacted tooth after they heal.

We remove wisdom teeth, infected teeth, severely damaged teeth, and overcrowded teeth.

Custom Sports Mouthguards

If you or your child play contact sports, you need a mouthguard. A sports mouthguard protects natural teeth, braces, and other oral appliances from damage or loss. Our office provides sports mouthguards for children and adults, customized for a better fit than store-bought mouthguards. 

Pediatric Dentistry 

Our family dental practice offers routine cleanings, exams, sealants, and fluoride treatments for children. Dentistry for children is essential for developing good oral health habits. Visiting the dentist regularly at a young age can also help prevent cavities and tooth decay, which are common childhood dental problems.

General and Preventative Dentistry FAQs

Discover more about our general dentistry options in Raleigh, NC, by reading answers to these popular questions: 

What are dental fillings?

Dental fillings can fill cavities or holes in teeth. Once tooth decay eats away at the tooth enamel, it creates holes or pits.

While traditional fillings use metal materials, white fillings are a modern alternative that uses tooth-colored material. Composite fillings blend in with the smile’s natural look. White fillings offer a durable yet seamless treatment. Dental fillings preserve the tooth structure and bite.

Are tooth extractions painful?

We use local anesthesia and dental sedation for complex extractions that remove teeth below the gum tissue. Additionally, we use local anesthesia for simple extractions, where we remove teeth above the gum line. Our team monitors patients throughout treatment to ensure that they feel as comfortable as possible.

When should I bring my child to the dentist?

You should bring your child for their first visit when they’re still a baby, typically after they turn one. Clean your child’s gums with a damp cloth even before their first tooth erupts.

Once the baby teeth grow, use an infant-sized toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to brush your child’s teeth. Additionally, you should schedule routine visits every six months for your child unless we recommend otherwise. 

Your Local Dentist 

Do you need to schedule your next dental exam? Has it been a while since your last dental visit? Contact our office today at  919.295.0936. You can also schedule an appointment with us online.

Our dental office serves North Raleigh, RTP, and Millbrook. To learn more about our dental office in Raleigh, NC, see About our office.