8015 Creedmoor Rd #202 Raleigh, NC 27613

Teeth Bonding Raleigh, NC

Do you have a chip in a front tooth? Are you looking for a way to address tooth injuries to create a balanced, complete smile? Dental bonding can cover tooth imperfections and help prevent further damage to injured teeth.

Dr. Cynthia Elderkin and Dr. Claudel Giggey provide teeth-bonding treatment to patients in Raleigh, NC, and the surrounding areas. Tooth bonding is a cosmetic dental treatment that uses tooth-colored composite materials to straighten, brighten, and add more structure to the smile. 

Teeth Bonding in Raleigh, North Carolina

What Can Dental Bonding Treat?

Patients can treat multiple cosmetic problems with bonding. Dental bonding treatment can address:

  • Tooth chips and cracks
  • Discoloration and staining
  • Shortened teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Broken or fractured teeth

Please call our office if you have any of these problems and are interested in bonding treatment. We work with patients to find the best treatments for their smiles. 

Teeth Bonding Treatment in Raleigh, NC

Before treatment, we ensure that patients do not have any outstanding dental problems. We will treat any signs of tooth infection or gum disease. Then, we begin treatment by cleaning and preparing the teeth. Then, we color-match the bonding material to the patient’s desired shade.

We sculpt and shape the bonding material to match the contours of the smile. Then, we double-check the shape and shade of the tooth and harden the material with a curing light. Finally, we polish the newly bonded tooth for a natural sheen.

Avoid foods and beverages that stain teeth to care for bonded teeth, like coffee, tea, wine, tomato sauces, and berries. Additionally, avoid hard foods and stop bad oral health habits like nail biting. Brush and floss gently and use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Schedule a Dental Appointment 

Do you have an injured tooth? Are you looking for a way to cover a single discolored tooth? Ask us about dental bonding treatment today. Contact our Raleigh dental office today at 919.295.0936. You may also request a dental consultation with Dr. Elderkin or Dr. Giggey online. Please let us know if you have any questions about your cosmetic dental options, and we will be glad to help you.