8015 Creedmoor Rd #202 Raleigh, NC 27613

Teeth Whitening Raleigh, NC

Everyone wants to make a great first impression, and a bright and beautiful smile can help. Many spend countless amounts of time and money trying to perfect their smile with over-the-counter teeth whitening agents. However, these treatments often prove ineffective. Stonehenge Family and Cosmetic Dentistry offers professional teeth whitening treatment in Raleigh, NC. Our convenient take-home treatment allows patients to whiten their teeth on their own time, in the comfort of their homes.

Teeth whitening treatment is a part of our cosmetic dental treatments. While most patients choose professional teeth whitening to improve the appearance of their teeth, there are other benefits to this treatment. Whitening your teeth will often help you maintain your dental health. Because you want to keep your teeth white, you may follow a more thorough oral hygiene routine. Additionally, you may visit the dentist more to keep your teeth bright.

Teeth Whitening Treatment in Raleigh, North Carolina

Why Are My Teeth Discolored?

Tooth stains and discoloration can occur over time due to various factors. If you look into a used coffee or tea mug, you can see stains that are not easily cleaned. The same thing occurs with your teeth. These stains build up slowly over time. You may not have noticed how much darker your teeth have become.

Most people think that only smoking or drinking coffee leads to discolored teeth. However, the foods and beverages you eat and drink cause teeth to darken. Berries, coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored juices all contribute to the stains on your teeth. Even some spices, when eaten regularly, can cause stains.

Smoking cigarettes, vaping, and using tobacco products can also contribute to discolored teeth. Nicotine easily stains the tooth enamel. Patients who continually use tobacco products containing nicotine can experience darkening enamel and yellow-looking teeth. 

Dental injuries or medical problems can be more sudden causes of tooth discoloration. A hit to a tooth can make it turn grey or brown. This is because a dental injury can injure the blood vessels within the tooth. A chipped or cracked tooth can also discolor because of damage to the enamel.

Some medications can also have tooth discoloration as a side effect. Medical conditions like diabetes, metabolic diseases, and other problems can increase your risk of tooth stains.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening Treatment in Raleigh, NC

Our dental office offers an easy at-home whitening system. You can complete this convenient treatment in the comfort of your own home. Take-home whitening uses custom-made whitening trays. You will visit our office, where we will take dental impressions of your teeth.

We send these impressions to a dental lab to make custom upper and lower arch trays. Once the trays are complete, you will pick up your trays and whitening gel.

To begin your at-home teeth whitening, brush and floss. Then, place the whitening gel in your custom trays. We will often recommend that you wear them for 30 to 60 minutes. After 7 to 15 sessions, you can notice a marked difference in your smile.

To maintain your smile, whiten your teeth right after you get them cleaned. This will give you an added whiteness boost and a brighter and more youthful smile. Choose a teeth whitening system that is right for you, and then enjoy brightening everyone’s day with your smile. 

How to Treat Deep Tooth Stains

We also offer other cosmetic dentistry treatments if your teeth do not respond to professional teeth whitening. These treatments will instantly whiten teeth and are more permanent.

Deep tooth stains are called intrinsic stains. These stains accumulate within the tooth enamel. Unlike extrinsic stains, which affect the outside of the tooth, deep stains do not react to professional whitening treatment.

Treatments for intrinsic stains include:

  • Tooth Veneers: Dental veneers are custom-made thin shells that cover the entire front tooth. We can recommend veneers to hide any stains or discoloration in one or more teeth in the smile zone. Porcelain veneers are permanent and can help patients attain a beautiful, bright smile. 
  • Tooth Bonding: Dental bonding is a more affordable cosmetic treatment that can whiten teeth. Teeth bonding involves placing the resin material on a tooth to hide the stains. We color-match tooth 
  • Dental Crown: A dental crown is a cap that fully covers single teeth. While a crown is a restorative treatment, we can use crowns as a cosmetic dentistry treatment if you have tooth damage and discoloration. We place the crown over the entire tooth to hide discoloration.

How Can I Maintain Bright Teeth?

A good oral hygiene routine and regular dental visits are some of the best ways to maintain whitening results. At home, you should brush and floss twice a day.

When brushing, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Abrasive toothpaste that uses charcoal or other materials can scratch and wear down the enamel. This can expose the dark dentin beneath. 

Our dental hygienists remove plaque and tartar from the smile during routine dental cleanings. Removing bacterial buildup can keep the smile bright and healthy. We can also provide fluoride treatments after your cleaning to strengthen the tooth enamel.

In addition, we recommend avoiding acidic or deeply pigmented foods and drinks. Acids can wear down your teeth, and pigmented foods can dye your teeth.

Can I Get Teeth Whitening If I Have Sensitive Teeth?

Some patients experience tooth sensitivity after they complete teeth whitening treatment. This is because professional teeth whitening treatment has more active ingredients that may be abrasive. These ingredients may also affect the nerves within the tooth.

Many professional treatments offer different levels of whitening to combat sensitivity. Patients with tooth sensitivity can choose whitening gels with lower levels of active ingredients. In addition, patients who still experience sensitivity may benefit from veneers, bonding, or crowns. 

Brighten Your Natural Smile

Are you interested in teeth whitening treatment but want professional results? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Elderkin or Dr. Giggey online. You can also contact our office by calling 919.295.0936.

Please let us know if you have questions about teeth whitening treatment in our Raleigh, NC office. We look forward to seeing you at your next dental visit.